Specimen Requirements Printable Version
{ Tests Explained Printable Version }
Semen Analysis
Retrograde Semen Analysis
A simple test done by examining the ejaculate under the microscope for assessment of its macro and micro characteristics. Macro analysis is to measure the volume of semen, color, pH, time for liquefaction. Microanalysis is to measure approximate number per ml (sperm concentration) and total count in the ejaculate, morphology (shape of the sperm), percentage and quality of the motile sperm. Presence of white blood cells is indicative of infection.
Vasectomy Check
Vasectomy reversal check
We spin the ejaculate and check for presence or absence of sperm in the semen sample
Sperm DNA Fragmentation
Spermatogenesis (meiotic division of the diploid somatic cell into four male haploid gametes) and spermiogenesis (changes in the gamete cells to become motile sperm) are two different phenomena that occur during the life span of forming the motile sperm. Sperm are like a rocket carrying a load. In most cases if the vehicle (rocket) is functionally sound, the load is assumed to be sound too like in semen analysis. Due to the modern life exposure to electromagnetic waves (laptop computer on laps), chemicals (inhaled insecticides or paints), or heat (sitting on leather chairs for a long time, tight pants), the Chromatin of the sperm is not well formed and is fragmented.
This test assesses the quality of DNA in sperm by measuring the percentage of sperm carrying fragmented DNA, normal DNA and loosely compact DNA. Fragmented and loosely compacted DNA-bearing sperm are incompetent in forming a viable pregnancy. Note: Semen with high count and motility may have high fragmentation and/or loosely compacted chromatin.